June 26, 2009

Caribbean Judiciaries in an Era of Globalisation, Sir Shridath Ramphal

“The Paradox of Heritage and Hesitancy”

The President of the Caribbean Court of Justice, Rt Hon. Michael de la Bastide, Judges of the CCJ, Chief Justices and other Judicial Officers of the wider Caribbean, members of the Caribbean’s legal fraternity, distinguished friends:

How can I start, Mr. President, save by thanking the Caribbean Court of Justice for inviting me to be here and to give this

address? From the time we lost the Federal Supreme Court in 1962, I had dreamed of the creation of this Court as the Court of final jurisdiction in our Region, the fountain head of our jurisprudence, Thirty years later, as Chairman of the West Indian Commission, I was proud to be associated in our 1992 Report Time for Action with the conclusion that the case for the Court “with both a general appellate jurisdiction and an original regional one is now overwhelming indeed it is fundamental to the process of integration itself”. To be invited now to give this Address in the company of the Court‟s judicial pioneers and other members of the judicia

ries of the Caribbean all of whom I know have shared the vision of its establishment- and some of whom have worked tirelessly to secure it- is a very special honour. I thank you, Mr President, and your colleagues on the Court, from a full heart... Read more

Address at the Inauguration of the Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers, Port of Spain, June 25, 2009.

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